PT. Alumetal Mitrasakti Perkasa
Galvalum adalah baja berkualitas tinggi yang bersifat ringan dan tipis, akan tetapi kekuatannya tidak kalah dari baja konvensional. Ada bebarapa macam baja ringan yang dikelompokan berdasarkan nilai tegangan tariknya (tensile strength). Kemampuan tegangan tarik ini umumnya didasarkan pada fungsi akhir dari baja ringan tersebut.
Product Details :
Galvalum is a high-quality steel that is lightweight and thin, but its strength is not inferior to conventional steel. There are several types of mild steel that are grouped based on the value of tensile strength (tensile strength). The ability of tensile stress is generally based on the final function of the mild steel. PT Alumetal Mitrasakti Perkasa is the most complete, cheapest distributor of galvalum plate with the best quality. We also provide the best and most complete galvalum plate that has become the choice of consumers for all needs. The price of the galvalum plate that we offer is relatively cheap, with the best specifications. All products that we sell are original products with guaranteed quality of SNI that have gone through quality testing.
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